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Parent Directory · vfs_fonts.js · pdfmake.min.js · pdfmake.js. Name · Last modified · Size · Description · Parent Directory, -. pdfmake.js, 2018- 06-14 17:17, 1.8M. pdfmake.min.js, 2018-06-14 17:17, 948K. vfs_fonts.js  2020年9月4日 在JS代碼中聲明一個Document-definition對象,這個是pdfmake自己的 export PDF . 2018-08-16 · Hi Zsolt, THANK YOU for this post and all your other JS/Storyline posts. Love your POP(99) course!

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The page size and orientation of the pdfHtml5 button type can be set using the orientation and pageSize options. By default these values are portrait and A4, but are easily customised as shown in this example which uses a landscape layout and US legal paper size.. For a full list of the options available for these parameters, please refer to the pdfHtml5 documentation. Hi Harika, You might have already written "afterscriptsLoaded" function in controller of your component. But just make sure that you remove comma at the end of the function (on line 78 above).I guess that is what is causing this issue. Oxygensell.com report - search preview, marketing and technology analysis Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.